Saturday, June 28, 2014

Astrid Lindgren

"Everything great that ever happened in this world happened first in somebody’s imagination."
- Astrid Lindgren
Astrid Lindgren is known worldwide for her children's books and loved by many. She is considered to have been a much loved character who cared deeply about children. Her books are estimated to have sold more than 145 million copies worldwide. Among her's bibliography are Pippi Longstocking, Emil, The Lionheart Brothers, The Children of Noisy Village and Karlsson on the Roof.

Astrid Lindgren grew up in Näs, near Vimmerby in Småland. Many of her stories is based on her childhood memories from Småland. In Vimmerby you can nowdays find a Astrid Lindgren village featuring many of her character and places in her books. At the Astrid Lindgren Village there is things to explore and interact with for both children and adults.

In 1976 Lindgren wrote a debated article called "Pomperipossa in Monismania" or Pomperipossa in the World Of Money. The article that was a little satiric story criticize the fact that Lindgren had discovered that she payed a 102% margin tax. The story led to a stormy debate about taxes and is belived to have made a little contribute - among other things - to the first loss for the social democrat party in an election for over 40 years.  Altought Astrid Lindgren remain a social democrat for her entire life.

 Read more about Astrid Lindgren at

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